
LUSH Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter

September 27, 2014

Hello beauties! Today I have a quick beauty review to share with you, featuring a well know brand and a very popular product among us nail polish addicts - the Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter from LUSH Handmade Cosmetics. I was already familiar with this nail care product for quite a long time, but it was only recently that I finally decided to give it a go and purchased the full sized product (with the help of a friend who bought it for me at her trip to Italy - Thanks Shiran!).
So let's get to the review!

For those of you who are not yet familiar with LUSH brand and their products, here's a few things that you should know: LUSH products are made of fresh, natural and organic ingredient. The products mainly contain natural ingredients and some synthetic but safe ingredients.
LUSH are against animal testing, and believe in buying ingredients from companies that do not conduct animal testing.
Find more about LUSH Story here.

This product is meant to soften dry cuticles and nourish the nails. It's basically good for any dry skin and rough body parts like elbows etc.
The consistency of this product it buttery, very rich and quite greasy, compared to other products like Burt's Bees Cuticle Butter. Because of these features, I think that this cuticle butter is excellent for an overnight treatment. I do enjoy using it thought the day too, but only when I don't have to use my hands afterwards. I just love applying it before bed, and waking up with perfectly soft and hydrated cuticles.
The Lemony Flutter smells so fresh and lemony, I really love it's natural and authentic scent. Another thing I love about this cuticle butter is how nice it feels when you pick it up from the jar and massage it to the cuticles and nails, it melts instantly and smells sooo good.

The black little jar holds 50ml, and with this product it's safe to say that a little goes a long way. Since LUSH products contain little (if any) preservatives, it's recommended to use up the product within a year, so I believe it's best to just use it generously and not try to save every bit of it, otherwise you are most likely to end up with a half used jar of product by the end of the expiry date. So although I don't really need much of product to use on my cuticles, I'm definitely planning on using it on other parts of my body which need a hydration boost.

Have you tried the Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter or any of LUSH products before? Let me know if you did, and what were your thoughts.
Hope you enjoyed this review, thanks for reading!

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  1. I've tried this before and I like it. Its very moisturizing.

  2. I love this butter! I purchased one for my sis when I've been to Berlin.. when I came back I wanted one for myself... so this year my sis purchased one for me in Amsterdam! :)

  3. I love Lemony Flutter. It saved my cuticles since I started using it, and I just bought my second pot a couple of months ago.

    Also, I find it hilarious that the Italian version is called Morbidissima lol (I don't speak Italian, so I have no clue what it means, but it makes me think of the word morbid hehe)

  4. I love this before bed too. My fave part is that it's all natural- I love that I can put it on my cuticles, and then rub the extra on my lips!

  5. Yeah, that's the thing with Lush, those damn expiry dates :-( But otherwise this is a total winner. Good idea to use it on dry patches on your body too!

  6. I love this butter) I subscribed to your blog, I'd be happy to see you in my blog http://dessi-fleur.blogspot.ru/?m=0   

  7. I was wondering why you had a pot of Morbidissima. The name Lemony Flutter is much more well-suited for this product. I've gone through several pots of this over the years and it's still one of my favorite cuticle care products.
