
Halloween Graveyard

October 24, 2013

This year I decided to participate in the Halloween spirit and came up with this graveyard manicure. I am sooo happy with how it came out, I'm really excited to share it with you and hear what you think about this design. So let's get to it!

I started this manicure with two coats of Zoya Storm, a black scattered holographic polish. I wanted to create a bright background for my stamping, so I sponged Sinful Shine Royal Flush on the tips. It looks like a bright pink in the sun, but in shade it has a dusty berry color. I chose this polish because it's very pigmented, so I don't end up using a lot of it to achieve a good coverage over the black base.
For the stamping I used Konad Black and stamped the graveyard design from the Bunny Nails Holiday plate HD04, from last year's holiday collection.
I decided to add some glitter above the stamped design, where the two colors were overlapping, so it would look a bit more sparkly. I applied a bit of GK 734A over it, which is a fine silver holographic glitter. I topped it all with one coat of Poshe.

For me it was a very successful manicure, I really enjoyed creating it and the finished look was just awesome! It's been a while since I used stamping for my nail art, and I really missed it. I've been too busy swatching and reviewing lately, that I forgot how much fun it is just to create a design for myself.
I hope you will like my Halloween design as much as I did, and I would love to hear your thoughts about it! Hopefully I will get the chance to create another Halloween inspired manicure soon, before this awesome holiday is over (because posting Halloween manicure on Thanksgiving is a bit odd).

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  1. WOW !!!! This is stunning !!!!! :)

  2. OMG! That's just an amazing combo! Love it!

  3. Excellent, great choice of colors, stamping, gradient and even the background used in the photos.


  4. LOVE it!! I wouldn't have thought to use that pink for the gradient but it looks stunning!

  5. Beautiful!!! I have glitter craft cards but they seem too small for photographs, yours look so cool! I love how you use them

    1. Thank you! Oh I really love these glitter sheets! Best purchase I've made lately! ;)

  6. Love it!!! Totally gorgeous!!!

  7. Beautiful! I really like the color choice too!

  8. OMG! That's totally amazing! You're so talented and I'm officially following you awesome blog now!:)

  9. OMG!
    It's so unfair how every polish or nail art stay gorgeous in your nails >D

  10. This is freaking awesome! I love it!

  11. This is so beautiful. I love Halloween manis but they are seldom 'beautiful' the are usually really fun. This one is breathtaking. And now I have a reason to use my Zoya Storm that I haven't used yet. Thanks

  12. This is gorgeous Natalie! I'm definitely trying this on my nails!

  13. Your manicures make me want to buy every polish you use ☼ PERFECTION

  14. Ooo, I am in love with this. Who knew Halloween could be so classy?

  15. Natalie, this nail-art looks amazing!

  16. What a stunning nailart! I love the fact you didn't use orange and black but instead of that a purple.
    ps: I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. I hope you will collect it at my blog. (the link can be found in my profile of Google)

  17. I don't like Halloween manicures but I have just changed my mind. This design is mindblowing.

  18. Завораживает!! Один из самых незабываемых и оригинальных маникюров на Хелоувин!

  19. Magnifique, j'adore les couleurs
    - MAODREN -

  20. amazing nails xx

  21. Very beautiful mani, colors and photos! :-)

  22. What color is that zoya multi color glitter? I cant find it anywhere?

  23. You did a GREAT job, Natalie! I love this and it makes me wish you entered the halloween manicures world earlier ;)

  24. Sooo beautiful! I love that you used such a bright pink for the background, it's unusual for halloween nail art, but it looks so cool!

  25. SO cool! Love the pink, love the glitter, but I am also very curious what backdrop you used in these pictures :D?

  26. I'm truly not a fan of holloween nail art, but these I REALLY REALLY like :D

  27. These are beautiful, they will have to go on my to do list for next year!
