
El Corazon Eggs Of Wild Birds

July 14, 2013

Hello ladies!
I wanted to share with you some bottle shots I did of my new El Corazon nail polish I bought at my trip to Saint Petersburg last month.
I was really excited to see them in a small cosmetics store, I was looking for El Corazon and Dance Legend polishes like crazy while I was there, and when I finally found them I was so happy.

These four colors are from the Eggs Of Wild Birds Collection, they all have the same effect but in different colors. They actually reminded me of the Illamasqua Imperfection collection, but it seems that El Corazon has a larger selection of colors (you can see all the collection and swatches at nails.annagorelova.com blog here and here).
Apparently the El Corazon were the first to created this mixture and effect, and then similar polishes started to pop up everywhere and being recreated by other companies, such as Illamasqua.

I was excited to take some photos of the bottles since I borrowed my boyfriends' camera and the pictures are coming out just fantastic, so I really wanted to share them with you.
Of course I will be swatching them all and posting the photos at the blog too, but for now here are some closeups of the bottles I have.

El Corazon - Eggs Of Wild Birds Collection

 №423/95 Light purple creme base with large and tiny black matte hex glitter.

№423/93 Peachy pink creme base with large and tiny black matte hex glitter.

№423/91 Beige / light brown creme base with large and tiny black matte hex glitter.

№423/94 Dusty blue creme base with large and tiny black matte hex glitter.

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  1. You took some really stunning photos! The polish looks great :D I am really loving the look of №423/94. Can't wait to see your swatches! Have a great weekend x

    1. Thank you so much hun! These are really pretty! Hope to swatch it soon ;)

  2. Это круто, очень приятно, что вас так вдохновил El Corazon. Кстати, в El Corazon эти лаки появились первыми, а Илламаска позже на 4 месяца!
    А теперь их скопировали конечно многие, но формула биогелей уникальна, на ногтях более точный, хрупкий жффект.
    Наташа, спасибо за очень приятное знакомство. Удачи вам.

    1. Thank you! El Corazon became easily one of my favorite brands, I hope to share more of this love with my blog readers soon.
      I was happy to get to know you too! :)

  3. Wow! No kidding with the fab photos, love 'em :) Look forward to seeing your swatches.

    1. Thank you so much! Will be posting today the first swatch :)

  4. they look like completely sopied illamasqua imperfection.

    1. Apparently it's the other way around... (see me note in the post)

  5. These are great polishes, I'm sure you'll love the formula as much as you like the colours! :)
    You went to St. Peters and didn't tell a word, pity!! :)

    1. Thanks, I already love them!
      Actually I wrote about my trip on the facebook page, but maybe next time I should make it clear and summon all the nail polish lovers over there for a get together ;)

    2. I'm in and out of FB, so I haven't seen it.. and I think YES, you should!! We would be all so honoured to meet you live! :) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the city and someday you are back here! :)

  6. Gorgeous photos! Can't wait to see the swatches :)

  7. Натали, я рада, что у вас появилась возможность попробовать эти лаки! Они просто замечательные, и, надеюсь, вам тоже понравятся )))

    1. Thank you so much Tanya! These are great, I love them!
      And thanks for your help as well ;)

  8. I really love those, do you know whre I can buy them?

    1. El Corazon is a Russian brand, from what I know they are currently only sold in Russia and it's area.
