
May 3, 2013

Geometric Skittle Nails

I wanted to share with you another awesome and fun mani I did with water decals I receive from Born Pretty Store for review.
This was my first experience with full nail designs, unlike the previous small decals I've used, these were a bit tricky for application at some parts, but as you can see I managed to place them quite accurate on most (oops) nails. The result looks very much like stamping, and apparently I found that there is an exact design just like this one on a stamping plate. I really love this geometric design, so I will defiantly thinking about getting the stamping plate.

This time I chose two bright colors that I wouldn't usually combine - mint and orange, but I'm so happy I chose them both because they made the design so bright and pretty. The colors I used for this design are Bourjois - Tangerine Fatal and GA-DE - Pool Party, both are very bright and vibrant colors which I think really flatter each other. :)

The water decals set I chose to review in this post includes 4 designs, and there are 10 decals in total, so that doesn't leave a place for mistakes. I was bummed there were only 10 pcs, because when I made a mistake and one of the decals got all crooked, I had no choice but to leave it like that (or to remove it completely). I guess it doesn't look that bad, but with straight lines and geometric design, it's quite noticeable. 
I found that the designs were a bit small to cover the entire, but mine are quite long right now, so I think they are in a normal size. I decided to use the curved line to my advantage and aligned them so they created a half moon look.

3 interesting facts about the large water decals that you might want to know:
1. They tend to curl and stick to themselves (and to the fingers) so it's better to work quickly (before they dry) and carefully (not touching them too much). I didn't have much trouble placing most of the decals, but some were pretty stubborn and really wanted to wrinkle, so I had to wet them again and again until I could place them correctly and smooth them to the nail.
2. They dissolve with acetone. It's great since I thought I will have to cut the excess decals around the cuticles, but apparently they dissolve in acetone, so I removed them with a q-tip. I wouldn't advise using a nail brush for cleaning, it will look like it's working at first, but then it will stick to the brush, and eventually will ruin it (at least that what happened to me).
3. They can smear! So be careful when applying your top coat. Work carefully and lightly with your brush using a big blub of top coat, to prevent smearing. It didn't smear when I used the small colorful decals (review in previous posts), but I had some smearing while using these decals, so they might be made by another technique or different materials.

Overall I was really happy with these decals, I think it's quite easy, and if you are struggling with full nail stamping, this might be a great alternative for you. I would defiantly say there are much cleaner to work with, and you can correct and replace the decal a little (with some water, but do it fast!) unlike stamping - once stamped wrong, you have to remove and start all over to correct a mistake.
The design I reviewed in this post in available for purchase at this link, and more water decals can be found here.

Born Pretty Store Water Decals design # 191

Born Pretty Store Water Decals design # D188-191

Born Pretty Store offers a large range and various designs of water decals for really great price, actually I think they offer the best price I've seen online.
You can also use this code to receive a 10% discount on your entire purchase at Born Pretty Store: PNL91.


  1. wow wow wow!!
    awesome design! Love how you half-mooned your mani, giving it a nice twist! :D **

  2. At first I thought it stamping :)
    Those decals and nail design in general looks very neat! Lovely!

  3. Wonderful tips about using the decals and I loved the colors you used!

    Also, your photography is killer.

  4. I also thought that you stamped the geometric designs. Wow those waterdecals are really gorgeous.

  5. אני לא מוצאת איפה שמים את הקוד באתר :(

    1. אחרי שלחצת על CHECKOUT, אישרת את הכתובת שלך, יהיה לך עוד כפתור של CONTINUE ואז יופיע לך מסך אמצעי תשלום ולמטה יהיה חלון להזין את הקוד.

    2. אם יש לך בעיות ואת לא מסתדרת, שלחי לי הודעה :)

  6. I thought it stamping!) Great desing! And I like color combo!

  7. Looks great! I tot they were stamping but actually they are decals! Great tips too!

  8. This is amazingly beautiful !

  9. Great review. Looks like some of their designs are exact copies of some of the XL stamping plate designs from Magnonails and Cheeky.
