
March Nail Polish Haul

March 24, 2013

I decided to share with you some pics of my March hauls. My nail polish stash is constantly changing since I've purchased so many polishes over the past months, and also some of the polishes I figured I'm not going to use any more went for the grab bags I sold. There were many new additions to my collection post which I did a few months ago, and I didn't even share them here, but this month's haul was so awesome - I had to share! These are most of the polishes I got this month, some are received from swaps, some were bought by dear polish buddies and some were bought by me. Eventually, it doesn't really matter how I got them - because I love them all! :D

Sinful Colors: Orange Cream, Cotton Candy, Sweet Tooth
Candy Coated, Sugar Rush

Up Colors: Rosa Star, Rosa Prisma, Grafite Night, Azul Disco
Banho De Mar

Max Factor - Fantasy Fire, Zoya - Mira, OPI - Can't Let Go
China Glaze: Under The Boardwalk, Make A Spectacle

Passe Nati: Dancers, Quero Amor, Impala: Sex Appeal, Na Mira 3D

Finger Paints - Twisted, Wet N Wild - Tropicalia, Essie - Van D'go

Hits: Air Glow, Moonbow, Dionisio, Atena

Orly: Robo Romance, Butterflies

Bourjois - Rainbow Apparition, Jade Holografico - Delirio Rosa

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  1. I love the pastel sinful colors lots D: they've finally arrived in the UK, so i'm half tempted to go buy some myself xD

    1. These pastels are really great! I recommend them :)

  2. Oh my word those sinful colours are stunning x

  3. Gaah I am going buy myself those sinfuls right now I can not take it another minute!

  4. Oooh, I love the Sinful pastels and the Hits polishes. :) Pretty pretty!

  5. Oh I want those Sinfuls!! Great hauls! :D

  6. What a lot of beauties!! I have a few of them but I look forward seeing all of them on you!

  7. Oh my God! Lots of colours! I can´t decide which one is my favourite ;-)

    I´m following you know. Would you like to follow each other? xx


  8. Nice haul! Those sinful colors look so pretty for spring! :-)

    ~ Yun

  9. Max Factor - Fantasy Fire looks so good :D

    ~ Jamie-Leigh
