
Zoya Storm & Purple Holographic Stripes

February 05, 2013

I got my Zoya polishes two days ago and I knew I have to use one of them (if not ALL of them) for my next mani. I've been planning to do this design for a while, I just wasn't sure what colors I should use, but then when I saw the gorgeous Zoya Storm with it's stunning holographic sparkle, I decided to combine it with another holographic polish.

For the base I applied one layer or Pupa - Violet 033 which is a lovely purple / violet holographic polish. It's holo effect isn't as strong and linear as I wish it was, but it looks lovely and the coverage is really good with only once coat. It's dry time is really fast too, which was great since I didn't have to wait long before using the striping tape.
After placing randomly the striping tape on the nails I applied two coats of the beautiful Zoya Storm. This one is simply gorgeous in the sun, it's a black base with scattered holo effect. It was a bit sheer, I did expect it to be more opaque with one coat, but two quick coats did the job (I only waited about a minute between the coats). Then I quickly pulled the striping tape off the nails and I got this lovely result. Lastly I applied one coat of Poshe over this design to smooth the surface.

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  1. Really lovely manicure! I love the effect of using striping tape in this way but always end up a bit tangled up with it, so I don't do it often :/ xx

  2. מהמם ברמות שקשה לתאר!

  3. So pretty! I love both of these polishes and they look amazing layered with each other like this.

  4. Здорово получилось! Зоя просто чудесна!

  5. Perfect! love the combo! one day I'll master striping tape as well! =P

  6. That's such a cool manicure!! Makes me want to run out and buy some striping tape to try it!!

  7. That looks great! I'd love to add that nail polish to my collection, looks so nice :) x

  8. Soooo...yeah I have to get storm!! Beautiful!!

  9. Such a beautiful design. Love it. Kisses.

  10. Love the beautiful design. You have the best nail polish blog!

    I am following you. Hope you will follow back at:

  11. Amazing! I love the combo of colours, the design and the way it sparkles :) x

  12. Both colours are stunning and this manicure has a beautiful final laser effect! :-)
