
February 17, 2013

Guest Post - Drama Queen Nails

Today's guest post is made by the very talented and creative lady from the Drama Queen Nails blog. I find this post to be very unique and super creative, actually it really enlightened me and gave me a different perspective on my nail polish obsession. Hope you will enjoy this great post as I did!

Nail Craze or Crazy Obsession?

Craze: An enthusiasm for a particular activity or object that typically achieves widespread but short-lived popularity.

Is DIY Nail Art destined to be just a phase or is it a form of true artistic expression that will continue to evolve into popular culture? With more stamping plates, polishes, decals, and techniques being developed every day, could this turn some of us from enthusiastic collectors into crazy obsessives? I say yes and I wonder if some day there will be girls sitting in their psychologist’s office discussing their inability to stop buying nail polish. I had visions of solemn men flashing up ink blot cards and asking these women to reveal their inner secrets in order to be cured from their polish addictions. And from there came this idea for Rorschach or ink blot nails. Read on for a glimpse into the mind of a nail crazed Drama Queen……

So are you wondering right now if you might be a little nail crazed? There is a strong possibility that I am, but thankfully I think my crazy obsession isn’t fully blown and you won’t find me rocking back and forth in a psychologists office just yet. So that brings me to ask you, what do you see in the ink blots?

I see a lizard on the pointer finger, a demonic devil thing on my middle finger, and a muscle man with a Mohawk on my pinkie. So what does that say about me? Who knows!

To do these nails I started with a while base colour. I then dripped blobs of polish onto some tin foil, folded it in half, pressed the two sides together, then unfolded it out again. I then dunked my nail into the image on the tin foil. Here are some cool ones that I didn’t end up using because they were too large for my nail. They really do look like ink blot tests.

The white is China Glaze White on White. The black is China Glaze Liquid Leather.

Thank you so much Natalie for picking me to contribute to your blog. I had a ball thinking of an idea to suit your blog and just love the way these nails turned out. If you’d like to see more of the inner workings of a nail crazed drama queen please stop by my blog.


  1. These are looking super awesome <3

  2. I love the idea for ink blots. Great execution too.

  3. Great post.

    My blog post ... zulutrade

  4. You have a nice blog Natalie ! Congrats !
    I would like to invite you to check out mine, I am currently hosting Luxury bag Giveaway . Thank you so much in advance !

    XX Luba

    Well Living BLog

  5. Dear god this is genius, I've been wanting to do the Rorschach test - inspired nails for so long, but couldn't figure out how (can'r do freehanding :c), and you're so great to have come up with this method!
