
January 16, 2013

Swatch & Review: ILNP - Babaes In Toyland & Her Highness

Today I'm going to show you two more of the lovely ILNP polishes I got for review. You can read my previous review for ILNP - Purple Stuff in the post I did a while back ago.
As I mentioned in the previous review, the packages and the branding are absolutely gorgeous and I love them, but as the previous lacquer, these two are having a strong bitter smell which was quite hard for me to bare. These are still pretty and I guess some of you wouldn't mind the smell, especially when it comes to such pretty glitter bombs.

Babes in Toyland is a green, fuchsia, blue and gold glitter mix with hexagons, squares and circles in a clear base. I really love this combination of colors and shapes and I think this one will look great over any color. I applied one coat over a dark blue base (Life 343), no top coat. The glitter was really easy to spread over the nail since the bottle is filled with generous amount of them, so the application was pleasant. I really love the final look of this one, In my eyes defiantly a must have from ILNP brand.

ILNP babes in toyland swatch review

ILNP babes in toyland swatch review

ILNP babes in toyland swatch review

ILNP babes in toyland swatch review

Her Highness is a fuchsia, brown and gold glitter mix of hexagons and round glitter in a clear base. This is the firs time I see (and own) a brown glitter in a mix and I have to admit it was quite refreshing to see something new. I think this allows a larger variety of combinations I wouldn't have though to make before, such as apply it over an orange or brown base. I applied one coat over Lime Crime Milky Ways, no top coat. Application was easy as well, I did have a few bold spots but it was easy to fill them up. I was curious to see how this combination of colors will work together since it's nothing I've seen or had before, and I was pleased with the final look.

ILNP her highness swatch review lime crime milky ways

ILNP her highness swatch review lime crime milky ways

ILNP her highness swatch review lime crime milky ways

ILNP her highness swatch review lime crime milky ways

I hope you liked my swatches and review, and if you would like to purchase these gorgeous glitter polishes or any other of the polishes ILNP offer for sale at their shop, please be sure to visit their Etsy store . You can get their polishes for $10 and they ship worldwide, which is great since not every indie brand does that. Hope you enjoy them! :)

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