
My first nail polish swap with Amber

May 08, 2012

I know I'm really late with posting about this swap, but I decided to share it with you anyway. :)
This is my first nail polish swap I did with Amber - which is the best gal ever! She spoiled me so badly!
I gotta tell you that I was a bit bummed because we said we will be swapping for about 7 polishes, and then I got this HUGE nail mail from her with all the extras and felt kind of bad that I didn't send her as many things, but I promised to make it up for her and I have some really nice stuff that I bought for her and I will be sending them to her in few weeks.
I was soooo excited about this package, and she let me know that I should expect two things form my wishlist which was awesome! She got me Revlon Whimsical and Essie's As Gold As It Gets. I was so happy! Whimsical was impossible to get here and Essie looks so precious. 
Then of course you can see the lovely nail polishes she sent me and the goodies.
I was especially excited about the Sally Hansen color Quick pen because it is awesome for stamping and I got gorgeous results, and the black Wet n Wild nail polish is also amazingly good for stamping - but of course Amber knew that and that's why she sent me these polishes.
I also got the Burt's Bees lemon butter cuticle cream I asked for and I'm really addicted to it, I use it every night and the results are great. 
She also sent me a Konad stamping plate which is great because I'm addicted to stamping!

There's also a cute mini OPI set which I really like as well. Did you know that the minis are so adorable?! It's so tiny and cute! I don't know for how many times it will last but it's adorable! AND I love Katy Perry :P
Another surprise was Sally Hansen Byte which was simply gorgeous over black! 
I've received so many nail polish that I don't know when I will have the time to swatch it all! lol

This is the list of polishes I received in this swap:
OPI Pepe's Purple Passion
OPI The One That Got Away (mini)
OPI Teenage Dream (mini)
OPI Last Friday Night (mini)
OPI Not Like The Movies (mini)
Nubar Reclaim 
Revlon Whimsical
Essie As Gold As It Gets
Essie She's Picture Perfect
Wet N Wild Black Cream
Spoiled The Parking Meteor Expired
Sally Hansen Byte
Hard Candy Beetle

Amazing! Right? I'm so happy and grateful for this! Thank you so much Amber!
She's super nice and thoughtful and I know she has already set up for me a new swap with lots of things from my wishlist. Isn't she amazing? :D
I know it will be hard for me to top this because getting nice stuff here is really hard and the selections here is really poor, but I've got some really nice non polish stuff for her as well and I really hope she will like it :)

So that's all for my first swap. I hope you liked this post.
Wish you a great and lovely week!


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  1. ואוו איזה כיף לך...באמת!!
    אני זוכרת שקראתי פעם בבלוג שלך על כל מיני סוואפים של דברי יצירה וכאלה...ולא ידעתי שזה מגיע לממדים כאלה של החלפת לקים!!זה ממש מגניב...אהבתי בעיקר את הלק התכלת עם הנצנצים נראלי שיצא לי לראות תמונה שלו על הציפורניים ממש יפה!
    בקיצור תהני,עושה חשק להרשם לאתר הסוואפ אבל אין זמן...פסיכומטרי על הראש :)

    1. תודה :) זה באמת כיף בצורה שאי אפשר לתאר. ממש פינקו אותי

  2. איזה אתר של סוואפ? יש כזה דבר? :-O

    1. יש אתר של החלפות - SAWP-BOT.COM
      אבל זאת לא החלפה שעשיתי דרך האתר. גם אין שם ממש החלפות של לקים אלא יותר דברים כללים, אבל אפשר להכיר שם בנות לפי תחומי עניין.
      ההחלפה הזאת נעשתה עם בחורה שהכרתי בפורום לקים.

    2. Hy :) I'm Katja and I would really like to find someone to do the swap with.Since I study medicine I dont have time to write blog but please if you are interested just write to me my adress is krockerica@yahoo.com

      XOXO from Croatia
